Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001)

Ex Post Facto

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Tom Paris is convicted of murder on an alien world, and his punishment is reliving the murder from the victim's perspective every 14 hours.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 02/27/95
Director: LeVar Burton

Jack's Review
One of the weaker episodes. While it is well acted and directed, where this episode falls flat is the similarity to the episode in Next Generation where Riker goes through the same thing almost exactly.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A highly advanced Cardassian AI missile that had been reprogrammed by B'Elanna Torres is found in the Delta Quadrant.

Stardate: 49447
Air Date: 02/12/96
Director: LeVar Burton

Jack's Review
I love it when Star Trek throws three killer episodes at me in one sitting (yes I watched three in a row)...this one was another very surprising story. Great acting and lots of good special effects really made it fun to watch.

The Raven

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Seven of Nine experiences Borg flashbacks as she attempts to become more human.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 10/08/97
Director: LeVar Burton

Jack's Review
A simply excellent Seven of Nine story. Love the interaction between Seven and Harry as well as giving us some background on her family. I really enjoyed the negotiations with the B'omar too - plenty of comedic value there.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Fifteen years in the future, Chakotay and Harry Kim attempt to prevent the Voyager from crash-landing on an ice planet.

Features: Time Travel
Stardate: 52143.6
Air Date: 11/18/98
Director: LeVar Burton

Jack's Review
Hands down and without question one of the greatest Star Trek episodes of all time. By the end, all three of us were fighting off tears - just thinking about it now gets me choked up. I absolutely love the way Garrett Wang plays Ensign Kim. This episode is emotional, intense, heartbreaking, and heartwarming at the same time. Oh, and seeing Geordi La Forge as Captain of the Galaxy Class USS Challenger caused me to have another geekout.

Live Fast and Prosper

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Con artists impersonate Janeway and Tuvok.

Stardate: 53849.2
Air Date: 04/19/00
Director: LeVar Burton

Jack's Review
Easily one of the best Voyager episodes!


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Harry Kim takes command of an alien ship which has lost its officers in an attack.

Stardate: 54274.7
Air Date: 11/22/00
Director: LeVar Burton

Jack's Review
Very cool episode overall. My only complaint is the way they veer off on Harry's character a bit. He is not arrogant but they made him act that way for the story. I would think he would be a bit more insecure about his first command. However, Garrett Wang does a great job anyway.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Q leaves his son (Q2) on Voyager, to learn from the crew.

Features: The Q Entity
Stardate: 54704.5
Air Date: 04/11/01
Director: LeVar Burton

Jack's Review
Another terrific Q episode. John DeLancie's son plays the role of the young Q perfectly.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Voyager encounters a Talaxian settlement leaving Neelix with the difficult decision of whether to leave the crew.

Stardate: 54868.6
Air Date: 05/09/01
Director: LeVar Burton

Jack's Review
Tearjerker? Yes sir! I am glad they decided to wait until the very end to do this. Voyager without Neelix for any length of time would have sucked. I know a lot of people dislike Neelix, but I mean the guy held the crew together in ways that a Captain can't. I applaud Ethan Phillips for his outstanding performance of such a wonderful character.

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