Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001)

Basics (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The crew must learn to survive on the inhospitable planet as the Doctor, Crewman Suder and Paris attempt to regain control of the ship.

Stardate: 50023.4
Air Date: 09/04/96
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Jack's Review
A fitting end to a great two-part episode. I did have a couple of minor quibbles with this one, however. Why did Hogan have to die so meaninglessly? Why did the Maj relinquish Voyager so quickly? Oh well, it was still a good one and good riddance to Seska!


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Tuvok experiences brain-damaging flashbacks to his service on the Excelsior. He and the captain attempt to find the reason for the flashbacks, believed to be a suppressed memory, through a joint mindmeld.

Stardate: 50126.4
Air Date: 09/11/96
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
One word....Sulu! Love the tie into Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country here. Very interesting idea overall.

The Chute

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Tom Paris and Harry Kim are trapped in a prison. Tom gets stabbed trying to protect Kim leaving Kim trying to find an escape plan alone. Simultaneously Voyager is trying to find a way to prove their innocence.

Stardate: 50156.2
Air Date: 09/18/96
Director: Les Landau

Jack's Review
Excellent episode by my calculations. The interplay between Garrett and Robert really makes their friendship seem more real. I thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere in the prison - very dreary and frightening. The guest appearance by Robert Pine (father of Chris Pine) as the extremely infuriating ambassador was a great touch as well.

The Swarm

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Voyager encounters a swarm of ships while trying to take a shortcut through a space belonging to a hostile species, while the Doctor begins to experience memory loss.

Stardate: 50252.3
Air Date: 09/25/96
Director: Alexander Singer

Jack's Review
I seem to recall seeing at least part of this episode. This is a very interesting one. Janeway seems to be a bit off form here and the mischievousness she shows is only slightly off-putting. I truly enjoyed the acting by Robert Picardo on this one - as well as the very Star Trek: Nemesis flavored ending.

False Profits

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The crew encounter two Ferengi posing as gods.

Features: The Ferengi
Stardate: 50074.3
Air Date: 10/02/96
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
This episode was a surprise. Very fun and downright silly from the Ferengi side of things while simultaneously serious as the Voyager crew tries to get home via a wormhole. The expression on Janeway's face at the end of the story is awesome.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip

B'Elanna experiences vivid dreams manifested by telepathic aliens.

Stardate: 50203.1
Air Date: 10/09/96
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Jack's Review
Interesting premise. Can't say it was my favorite ever but the playful banter between B'Elanna and Chakotay is a lot of fun.

Sacred Ground

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip

Kes is left comatose after contacting an energy field around a rock.

Stardate: 50063.2
Air Date: 10/30/96
Director: Robert Duncan McNeill

Jack's Review
Very psychedelic and almost surreal. Love the determination Janeway shows in trying to save a member of her crew.

Future's End (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A 29th century timeship causes a time paradox when it accidentally sends itself and Voyager to two different periods in 20th century Earth.

Features: Time Travel
Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 11/06/96
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
Classic time paradox Trek! I have always loved these kinds of episodes....the way Kirk and Picard were able to keep their impact on past Earth to a minimum....but not so much for our poor Voyager crew. Nothing goes right for them. Ed Begley Jr plays a perfect slime...and Sarah Silverman, much to my surprise, plays a very not-annoying part here. Can't wait to see how this turns out!

Future's End (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Janeway must prevent the destruction of the solar system by a 20th century entrepreneur who has acquired the timeship.

Features: Time Travel
Stardate: 50312.6
Air Date: 11/13/96
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
What a phenomenal finish to an epic episode. The Doctor has his portable emitter and Janeway showed why she rocks as hard as Picard and Kirk! Totally fantastic.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip

Kes is controlled by an alien warlord named Tieran.

Stardate: 50348.1
Air Date: 11/20/96
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
This episode could have been written by Terry Goodkind. Very fantasy-based. Acting by Jennifer Lien was excellent. Loved seeing Tom Paris with the compression phaser rifle too. My only complaints are these. It felt like the writer had a very vague idea of what the characters on Voyager were like and it followed "Future's End". Any episode other than one featuring Q would pale following that episode.

The Q and the Grey

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Q visits Voyager with a proposal for Janeway as civil war breaks out in the Q Continuum.

Features: The Q Entity
Stardate: 50384.2
Air Date: 11/27/96
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
Yet another classic Q episode. John De Lancie nails it every time! While not quite as crazy good as Death Wish from season 2, the overall bizarre nature of the Q and their mysterious continuum really makes for fun stories.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Voyager answers help from a mining colony about a viral outbreak that manages to sneak onto Voyager through the transporter, leaving only Janeway and the doctor to stop it.

Stardate: 50425.1
Air Date: 12/11/96
Director: Alexander Singer

Jack's Review
I really enjoyed this one too. I never thought of Janeway as an Ellen Ripley kind of character but she certainly is. Determined. Fearless. Tough as nails. The direction here is top notch and the atmosphere is downright creepy. My only complaint is the CGI effects look dated. I hope when they remaster these for Blu-Ray that they give these effects a bit of a boost.

Fair Trade

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Voyager approaches the edge of Neelix's knowledge and a trading station.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 01/08/97
Director: Jesús Salvador Treviño

Jack's Review
Phenomenal acting work by Ethan Phillips. Love the character development of Neelix here too. It is easy to relate to how he feels towards Voyager and the Captain. I think any one of us in his situation would feel the pride and desire to want to contribute to a group of friends that have helped us through so much. I love the ending of this one too...very Captain Kirk.

Alter Ego

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

The crew enjoys a luau on the holodeck and Tuvok discovers an unusual hologram.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 50460.3
Air Date: 01/15/97
Director: Robert Picardo

Jack's Review
Good episode overall. Smashing acting by Tim Russ and Garrett Wang specifically. Another of my favorite character elements for Tom Paris makes an appearance here....his affinity for 20th century Earth culture.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Janeway appears to be trapped in a time-loop with different events, but all ending in her death.

Stardate: 50518.6
Air Date: 01/29/97
Director: Nancy Malone

Jack's Review
Acting is the real star here. Kate Mulgrew and Robert Beltran really show what they are made of here. I actually got choked up several times - and while that is not out of the ordinary with me - this was a particularly emotional episode. Personally, I would love to have seen Paris give a speech at the memorial service too.

Blood Fever

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Vorik passes on the Pon farr to B'Elanna.

Stardate: 50537.2
Air Date: 02/05/97
Director: Andrew J. Robinson

Jack's Review
Awesome episode! Very well acted! The chemisstry between B'Elanna and Paris really is starting to heat up. The turbolift scene at the end is great and the revelation at the end sure points to awesome episodes ahead. Only the classic kal-if-fee fight music from Amok Time (TOS) was missing.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Chakotay answers a call for help on a planet and finds himself in the middle of a shoot-out between two groups of people while the Voyager crew discover an abandoned Borg ship.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 50614.2
Air Date: 02/12/97
Director: Robert Duncan McNeill

Jack's Review
A very well done episode showing off the acting skills of Robert Beltran. I personally love the reaction of Janeway when the derelict Borg ship is discovered. The atmosphere is dark and foreboding - aiming at where the series is headed.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip

The Doctor tries to graft other personalities into his program, but the resulting 'upgrade' causes him to develop an evil alternate personality.

Stardate: 50693.2
Air Date: 02/19/97
Director: Alexander Singer

Jack's Review
Perfect acting by Robert Picardo not withstanding, this is probably the weakest episode in the third season so far. It feels more like a holodeck simulation than a real story.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Voyager helps a planet with asteroid problems. Tuvok and Neelix crash-land on the planet and attempt to fix a maglev space elevator.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 02/26/97
Director: Robert Scheerer

Jack's Review
My first viewing made me think this was a mediocre episode. After several viewings it has become one of my favorite Neelix episodes. Again, acting by Ethan Phillips and Tim Russ is excellent. The relationship between Tuvok and Neelix finally reaches an understanding between the two.

Favorite Son

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Harry Kim is contacted by a planet full of women.

Stardate: 50732.4
Air Date: 03/19/97
Director: Marvin V. Rush

Jack's Review
A planet full of black widows! Very cool premise. I wanted to see more of the ship battles but that would be nit-picking a fun episode...

Before and After

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Shortly before her death in the future, Kes begins to travel backwards in time, with a portion of events occurring in the Year of Hell.

Features: Time Travel
Stardate: Multiple (due to time travel)
Air Date: 04/09/97
Director: Allan Kroeker

Jack's Review
Very cool episode. Love the glimpse of The Year of Hell! There were a couple of odd story elements that I had some issues with but overall not bad.

Real Life

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

The Doctor creates a family on the holodeck.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 50836.2
Air Date: 04/23/97
Director: Anson Williams

Jack's Review
Once more, terrific acting by Robert Picardo. The deconstruction of the family from idyllic to insane is very well done and watching the doctor try to deal with it is a lot of fun. The emotional pieces fit well with the doctor's character and his inability to save his holo-daughter's life is incredibly touching.

Distant Origin

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A reptilian scientist trying to prove his heretical theories kidnaps Chakotay and draws the entire crew in conflict between his race's doctrine and the startling truth about its origin.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 04/30/97
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
This was a brilliant episode. The Voth characters look amazing and the whole scene where they sneak aboard Voyager to observe the crew is thrilling. The trial is emotional - bringing anger, disgust, excitement, and pity all to the surface. Probably one of the best Stas Trek episodes ever. On a side note - poor Lt Hogan...yes, that skeleton is his...look at the hole in his skull!


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Crew members are replaced one-by-one with aliens from an unknown race.

Stardate: 50912.4
Air Date: 05/07/97
Director: Allan Kroeker

Jack's Review
Very cool story! Chakotay left on the ship alone is a one man wrecking crew! I also enjoyed the reappearance of the Voth species from the prior episode....Really tied things together well. Overall one of the best of the season.

Worst Case Scenario

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

B'Elanna Torres discovers a holodeck program where Chakotay and the Maquis rebel against Janeway.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 50953.4
Air Date: 05/14/97
Director: Alexander Singer

Jack's Review
This one was a lot of fun. At first you think "what the heck is going on?" and then you can't help but laugh. Loved the sadistic doctor and how everyone had input for Tom and Tuvok. Very well done. It does seem to end very abruptly but overall a fun episode.

Scorpion (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Voyager must pass through Borg space, but the arrival of a new species causes problems.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 50984.3
Air Date: 05/21/97
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
Absolutely epic! We watched this one together and at the end there were three people saying "oh my gawd..." I see why this one was named among the best Trek episodes of all time.

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