Jack's Rating:
On a mission to the Badlands, the USS Voyager, along with a Maquis ship, is stranded in the Delta Quadrant, more than 70,000 light-years from home by an incredibly powerful being known as Caretaker.
Stardate: 48315.6
Air Date: 01/16/95
Director: Winrich Kolbe
Jack's Review
I remember seeing this episode when it originally aired in 1995. For a first episode of a series the characters are remarkably well fleshed out. We are also provided with a good sense of the trouble the crew is in being 70,000 light years from home.
Jack's Rating:
Voyager is trapped in a quantum singularity's event horizon, and Captain Janeway must decide between Lt. Carey and former Maquis B'Elanna Torres to be the new chief engineer.
Stardate: 48439.7
Air Date: 01/23/95
Director: Kim Friedman
Jack's Review
Very similar to things we have seen in TNG, this episode follows the same formula as the first season of Next Generation and the "Naked Now" episode where we see a new crew deal with a familiar story.
Jack's Rating:
Captain Kathryn Janeway and Tom Paris are sent back in time one day before an alien planet is annihilated. They attempt to stop the explosion that destroys the planet.
Time Travel
Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 01/30/95
Director: Les Landau
Jack's Review
I personally love the fluidity with which Star Trek works with the space time continuum. This is a classic episode. Very compelling and a good use of the prime directive.
Jack's Rating:
An organ-harvesting species known as the Vidiians steal Neelix's lungs, leaving him to die.
Stardate: 48532.4
Air Date: 02/06/95
Director: Winrich Kolbe
Jack's Review
Oh Janeway....you rock. Telling the organ thieves that if they ever mess with your crew again you would respond with the most deadly force. Excellent acting by Robert Picardo, Kate Mulgrew, and Ethan Phllips makes this episode very special.
Jack's Rating:
The crew enter a nebula to collect samples before realizing it is a living organism.
Stardate: 48546.2
Air Date: 02/13/95
Director: David Livingston
Jack's Review
Another excellent Star Trek staple is the giant unknown organism. This one has some great comedic segments with Nelix and Janeway.
Jack's Rating:
A micro-wormhole is discovered that leads to the Alpha Quadrant, and the crew make contact with a Romulan ship on the other side.
Time Travel The Romulans
Stardate: 48579.4
Air Date: 02/20/95
Director: Winrich Kolbe
Jack's Review
Phenomenal twist and one of the first episodes where we see how desperate the stranded crew is. I really enjoyed this one - overall one of the best first season episodes.
Jack's Rating:
Tom Paris is convicted of murder on an alien world, and his punishment is reliving the murder from the victim's perspective every 14 hours.
Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 02/27/95
Director: LeVar Burton
Jack's Review
One of the weaker episodes. While it is well acted and directed, where this episode falls flat is the similarity to the episode in Next Generation where Riker goes through the same thing almost exactly.
Jack's Rating:
Harry Kim is transported to an alien world at the same time a dead body arrives on Voyager.
Stardate: 48623.5
Air Date: 03/13/95
Director: David Livingston
Jack's Review
A very powerful message exists in this episode. Life and death and beliefs. Very intersting premise and well thought out.
Jack's Rating:
A race that could shorten Voyager's journey with a transportation device will not share its technology.
Stardate: 48642.5
Air Date: 03/20/95
Director: Les Landau
Jack's Review
This is a Gilligan's Island episode wherein the crew has a chance to get home. Perfect acting and more kickass Janeway moments make this a must see.
Jack's Rating:
Janeway and the other senior officers attempt to flush out a spy who is sending information to the Kazon.
Stardate: 48658.2
Air Date: 04/10/95
Director: Robert Scheerer
Jack's Review
This one kept me guessing until the end. A very well done story and acting.
Jack's Rating:
The holographic doctor must rescue crew members who were turned to energy in the Holodeck, by entering a holodeck program of Beowulf.
The Holodeck
Stardate: 48693.2
Air Date: 04/24/95
Director: Les Landau
Jack's Review
Strange? Yes. Holodeck malfunction? Check. First episode where the doctor kicks butt? You bet! This one cemented the doc as my favorite Voyager crew member.
Jack's Rating:
An alien mind takes over crew-members' bodies, and Chakotay is left apparently brain-dead after something attacks his shuttlecraft.
Stardate: 48734.2
Air Date: 05/01/95
Director: Kim Friedman
Jack's Review
Another twisting turning mystery. Dear TV moguls....why don't we have a Star Trek show on the air anymore? This episode makes reality shows look like garbage.
Jack's Rating:
B'Elanna Torres is split into her human and Klingon halves by the Vidiians.
Stardate: 48784.2
Air Date: 05/08/95
Director: Winrich Kolbe
Jack's Review
Well acted and directed, this episode showcases how nasty and awful the Vidiians race is. Almost like a horror movie....I was quite sad that Janeway didn't get a chance to whoop ass on them like she warned in "Phage".
Jack's Rating:
A member of the Haakonians, a race warring with the Talaxians arrives on Voyager, much to the dismay of Neelix, whose family was killed by them.
Stardate: 48832.1, 48840.5
Air Date: 05/15/95
Director: Kim Friedman
Jack's Review
What a wonderful showcase of Ethan Phillips' acting prowess. He plays such a loveable Character in Neelix and it is fun to see him work out the subtle nuances of the character.
Jack's Rating:
Tuvok trains several Maquis members who have not fully integrated into the Voyager crew.
Stardate: 48846.5
Air Date: 05/22/95
Director: David Livingston
Jack's Review
Behold the power of cheese! I enjoyed seeing Tuvok learn some human traits in Spock-like fashion. Overall this episode feels a bit stale. Fortunately it is one of the last episodes where we feel a division between the Maquis and Voyager crew.