Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001)


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Voyager loses power traversing a dark region of space containing theta radiation.

Stardate: 52081.2
Air Date: 10/14/98
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
Fantastic creepy episode with loads of atmosphere. This was a great start to season 5!


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Doctor's mobile emitter is damaged while beaming back from an away mission, merging with Seven of Nine's Borg nanoprobes and the DNA of a male Ensign to create a 29th century Borg.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 10/21/98
Director: Les Landau

Jack's Review
Excellent episode. The new drone is well played and actually quite well used in the episode. I do enjoy what the writers are doing with the Borg in the Voyager series. They are vulnerable - something quite contrary to the first Borg episodes in the Next Generation series.

Extreme Risk

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

B'Elanna purposely puts herself into increasingly more dangerous situations. Meanwhile the crew decides to build a new shuttlecraft, the Delta Flyer.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 10/28/98
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
Very cool episode - well acted by Roxann Dawson and Robert Beltran. Paris and Tuvok's banter about the aesthetics of the Delta Flyer design are priceless. My only complaint is the lack of the typical techno-babble explanation when B'Elanna does her engineering magic at the end of the episode. 2021 edit: I have decided that, for me, Torres is the most annoying character in Trek. She is moody like a teenager and while she had started to come out of it by season 4, she regresses in this season again. Let's see if she can change my mind.

In the Flesh

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The ship encounters a training facility for an alien invasion of Earth.

Stardate: 52136.4
Air Date: 11/04/98
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
I love that species 8472 keeps appearing in the most unlikely of places. This episode is very good in that we get to see Voyager conversing with them instead of the typical telepathic stuff from previous encounters. The addition of Ray Walston in this story as the enigmatic Boothby is a real treat to watch.

Once Upon a Time

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Neelix looks after Naomi Wildman when her mother is injured on an away mission.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 11/11/98
Director: John T. Kretchmer

Jack's Review
This episode really turned out to be a surprise. The synopsis sounded rather dull yet it had plenty of tension and action. Yet another outstanding display of acting by the entire cast.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Fifteen years in the future, Chakotay and Harry Kim attempt to prevent the Voyager from crash-landing on an ice planet.

Features: Time Travel
Stardate: 52143.6
Air Date: 11/18/98
Director: LeVar Burton

Jack's Review
Hands down and without question one of the greatest Star Trek episodes of all time. By the end, all three of us were fighting off tears - just thinking about it now gets me choked up. I absolutely love the way Garrett Wang plays Ensign Kim. This episode is emotional, intense, heartbreaking, and heartwarming at the same time. Oh, and seeing Geordi La Forge as Captain of the Galaxy Class USS Challenger caused me to have another geekout.

Infinite Regress

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Seven of Nine experiences the Borg version of multiple personality disorder.

Stardate: 52356.2
Air Date: 11/25/98
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
Two episodes in a row that really show off the acting prowess of this cast. When Jeri Ryan cracks a smile and uses a girly voice in one scene, my Son and I just looked at each other with our mouths agape. You get so used to seeing her as a robot-like character that any display of emotion is almost unsettling in the same way it is seeing Tuvok or Spock laugh. Absolutely well done!

Nothing Human

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip

A wounded alien is brought on board from a stranded vessel and attaches itself to B'Elanna Torres.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 12/02/98
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
An excellent episode about morals and values - yet another Star Trek staple. The alien screeching in this one made me jump twice, my Son and Fiancee jump once, and our cat, Chuckie, have a heart attack, I think!

Thirty Days

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Tom Paris disregards orders by helping an aquatic world and is demoted to Ensign.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 52179.4
Air Date: 12/09/98
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Jack's Review
Yet another example of fine acting by this stellar cast. Robert Duncan McNeill really and truly shines in this one. We get a glimpse of more depth to Tom Paris, and a hint at just how much he has matured serving with Janeway. How long until he regains Lieutenant status, I wonder?


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

While passing through Devore space, Voyager is routinely searched for telepaths.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 12/16/98
Director: Les Landau

Jack's Review
I always hate it when someone comes onto a Starfleet ship and starts pushing the Captain around....but I love it when the Captain puts them in their place. Kate Mulgrew solidifies Janeway as one of the greatest captains ever in this episode. She knows she can't fight...knows she is being played....Oh, my is her counterpoint awesome. Not so brazen as Kirk's reply to Khan or as in-your-face as Picard's chicken match with Shinzon....but no less epic.

Latent Image

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

The Doctor finds out that some of his memories have been blocked.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 01/20/99
Director: Mike Vejar

Jack's Review
I have already said that I feel Robert Picardo to be one of the finest actors on this show....but I will expand that to anywhere. He is a very commanding screen presence and the human quality he exhibits in The Doctor is astounding. Terrific episode.

Bride of Chaotica!

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Paris' latest holodeck adventure The Adventures of Captain Proton takes an unexpected turn.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 01/27/99
Director: Allan Kroecher

Jack's Review
What fun! Love the vintage feel and the comedy bits are a riot. Totally unique and exciting.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip

Tuvok and Paris crash on a planet stuck in a pocket of subspace, where they meet a female named Noss.

Stardate: 52438.9
Air Date: 02/03/99
Director: Terry Windell

Jack's Review
Easily one of my least favorite episodes. There was so much promise here and it was just squandered. Still good acting by Russ and McNeill...


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

A large organism telepathically deceives the Voyager crew into flying into its digestive chamber.

Stardate: 52542.3
Air Date: 02/10/99
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
Very cool premise and well acted. Love the whole telepathy induced euphoria and the Ahab character.

Dark Frontier (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Janeway plans to steal a transwarp coil from a disabled Borg ship to shorten their journey home. Seven of Nine experiences memories of her past just before she and her parents are assimilated and plans to re-join the Borg collective.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 52619.2
Air Date: 02/17/99
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
Another fine example of what makes Star Trek great. This episode is, for lack of a better term, epic.

Dark Frontier (Part II)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Janeway leads a mission in the Delta Flyer to rescue Seven from the Borg Queen.

Features: The Borg
Stardate: 52619.2
Air Date: 02/17/99
Director: Terry Windell

Jack's Review
An even more epic ending to a terrific hour and a half episode.

The Disease

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Kim finds love when the crew encounter a Varro generational ship that needs assistance repairing its warp drive.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 02/24/99
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
Love in Star Trek is typically not my favorite subject matter....however, when it's Harry Kim taking the lead, good things happen. Garrett Wang was one of the most underused actors in the series so each episode where Harry is the lead character really stands out.

Course: Oblivion

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

After Torres and Paris get married, subspace radiation causes the crew and their ship to disintegrate.

Stardate: 52586.3
Air Date: 03/03/99
Director: Anson Williams

Jack's Review
What a terrific mind-bending episode. The ending is actually pretty sad too. Totally well written and acted.

The Fight

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip

Chakotay lies in sickbay as he attempts to communicate with aliens through hallucinations.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 03/24/99
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Jack's Review
This was a seriously strange episode. So much so that I can't really describe it....boxing, Ray Walston, Chakotay, some terrific acting by Robert Picardo once again...yet overall to hard to follow.

Think Tank

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Voyager is being chased by the Hazari when a think tank offers assistance.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 03/31/99
Director: Terrence O'Hara

Jack's Review
Excellent episode. Jason Alexander makes for a terrific bad guy. There is a nice creepy aspect to his character. Overall a great and very fun episode.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

The crew respond to a distress call from Malon escape pods contaminated with radiation.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 04/26/99
Director: Allan Kroeker

Jack's Review
Another great episode. Nice creepy atmosphere with a good level of urgency.

Someone to Watch Over Me

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Seven of Nine explores dating with some help from the Doctor.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 52647
Air Date: 04/28/99
Director: Robert Duncan McNeill

Jack's Review
Absolutely awesome episode. So much fun watching the interplay between The Doctor and Seven.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Janeway reminisces about one of her Earth's ancestors, Shannon O'Donnell from Indiana.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 05/05/99
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
A very odd episode at first glance, this one turns out to be very heartwarming. It shows and nice relaxed side to the crew and a really interesting back-story for Janeway's family.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Captain Braxton recruits Seven of Nine to stop Voyager being sabotaged.

Features: Time Travel
Stardate: 52861.274
Air Date: 05/12/99
Director: Allan Eastman

Jack's Review
Woo hoo! This one is a blast! How can you not love a time travel episode with all kinds of crazy possible paradoxes and a time ship from the 29th century?


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

The crew rescue a device with artificial intelligence embedded in rock, but it then proceeds to take control of The Doctor and reveals itself to be a weapon of mass destruction.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 05/19/99
Director: John T. Kretchmer

Jack's Review
Okay - while I admit that Picardo is an incredible actor and he once again sells it here, this episode sputters in places. The overall idea is excellent but the AI changes its mind a bit too quick.

Equinox (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Voyager finds another Federation ship, the USS Equinox, under attack from flying nucleogenic lifeforms.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 05/26/99
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
A simply awesome ending to the season. The conflicting command styles of Janeway and Ransom really show well in this one. While Janeway is focused on getting home she is much less manic and devious about it. Great guest cast with a terrific premise and nice cliffhanger....

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