Star Trek: Voyager (1995-2001)

The 37's

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

A group of humans from the 1930s is found in stasis on an abandoned planet, including the lost Amelia Earhart.

Stardate: 48975.1
Air Date: 08/28/95
Director: James L. Conway

Jack's Review
While the people from the past being revived in the future has been done, this one really worked well. It also held a bit of a pang of sadness as David Graf, who passed away too soon, makes an appearance in this episode (Police Academy's Tackleberry). Kate Mulgrew and Robert Beltran show off the trust and friendship their characters are developing in a very emotional scene. I would like to have seen two pivotal parts of the episode which are oddly skipped - seeing Janeway address the crew and seeing the new human cities. Overall it is still a great episode.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

Chakotay encounters a Kazon youth who is on an initiation rite; to earn his name by killing an enemy or to be killed in the attempt.

Stardate: 49005.3
Air Date: 09/04/95
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Jack's Review
Very well done episode for Chakotay. We really get a good look at what makes him tick. We find him to be peaceful, spiritual, kind, and ultimately a badass!


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

The Doctor becomes delusional after an accident, causing him to believe that he is a flesh-and-blood person and his time on USS Voyager is a holodeck program.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 48892.1
Air Date: 09/11/95
Director: Jonathan Frakes

Jack's Review
Robert Picardo shows off his acting prowess in this excellent brain-teaser-of-an-episode. I actually clapped when Barclay showed up and again at Kes' final line the end.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Space-dwelling life-forms cause Kes to enter the Ocampan fertile phase called Elogium, putting pressure on her relationship with Neelix when she wants to have his child.

Stardate: 48921.3
Air Date: 09/18/95
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Jack's Review
While still expertly acted, I think the writers in this episode drifted off station on Neelix and B'Elanna. I did love the way Neelix had to carry Kes to sickbay while she was still eating everything, including the flowers he brought her.

Non Sequitur

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Harry Kim wakes up in 24th century San Francisco with no record of him on Voyager.

Features: Time Travel
Stardate: 49011
Air Date: 09/25/95
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
I have to list this among my favorite episodes so far. Garrett Wang and Patrick Duncan McNeill really have a good chemistry here and we are treated to another well-handled foray into the space/time continuum a la Star Trek. My only criticism is the lack of screen time for the effects as Tom and Harry are being chased by the Nebula class ship.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip

A region of space distorts the interior of Voyager.

Features: The Holodeck
Stardate: 48945.8
Air Date: 10/02/95
Director: Kim Friedman

Jack's Review
Freakishly cool episode! Personal favorite segment is Janeway and Harry in the jefferies tube - very high praise for the young ensign from a Captain of Janeway's caliber.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Neelix and Tom Paris fight over Kes, but are sent on an away mission together.

Stardate: 49068.5
Air Date: 10/09/95
Director: Jonathan Frakes

Jack's Review
The synopsis says it all. Nice Alfarian hair pasta (Spaghetti) fight between Paris and Neelix. I loved the bit with the Doctor eavesdropping on the bridge too. Overall a great episode.

Persistence of Vision

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The crew experience hallucinations brought on by an alien that puts them into a trance-like state.

Stardate: 49037.2
Air Date: 10/30/95
Director: James L. Conway

Jack's Review
This episode is very interesting. We get to see inside the minds of many of the main character's minds, which is a great way to add depth to a character. The fact that we are left to imagine Neelix's plight makes him more enigmatic. Additionally we are introduced to a new villain as well.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Chakotay encounters non-humans that have the same tattoo on their foreheads that he has.

Stardate: 49211.5
Air Date: 11/06/95
Director: Alexander Singer

Jack's Review
This is a good episode for Chakotay - but for some reason it feels like the rest of the crew was an afterthought for the writers. Good acting by Robert Beltran keeps this one afloat.

Cold Fire

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip

An Ocampan helps Kes with her mental abilities as the crew encounter a being who appears to be the Caretaker's female counterpart.

Stardate: 49164.8
Air Date: 11/13/95
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
From the introduction by Ship's computer voice Majel Barrett, I was expecting a fantastic romp across space like the first episode, "Caretaker". Instead it was way too centered on Kes and her mental powers. The female caretaker creature was underused and we don't see any reason for her malevolence. I am hoping we meet her again and they flesh her out a bit more...


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Kazon Nistrim board Voyager and steal a transporter module in an attempt to unite the Kazon sects.

Stardate: 49208.5
Air Date: 11/20/95
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
Now THIS is what I am talking about! Intrigue, plot twists, stellar acting by Kate Mulgrew and Robert Beltran...this is what makes Voyager such a great show. My only negative remark is the lack of ship battle sequences....still one of my favorites so far. Here's a bit of trivia. Maje Haron of the Kazon-Relora was played by Terry Lester who starred in the 1976 TV series, Ark II....the show with the super RV, the jetpack, and the monkey. You can find the series on archive.org as of OCT/2021.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A mission to acquire Tellurium goes wrong causing Tuvok and B'Elanna to be captured and believed to be with the resistance.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 11/27/95
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Jack's Review
Good episode all-around! Loved the way the old man, Caylem, touches Janeway's face. It feels so alien that it made me uncomfortable at times. Costume design was very good, suspense was dead on, totally worth watching.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

The crew find and repair a robot that was adrift in space only to find themselves in the middle of a war when B'Elanna is abducted.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 01/15/96
Director: Jonathan Frakes

Jack's Review
This episode turned out to be much better than I had anticipated. Great acting by Roxann Biggs-Dawson really makes it fun. I enjoyed the nice twist at the end with the robots. Overall a well constructed story.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Janeway attempts to form an alliance with the Kazon to improve Voyager's standing in the Delta Quadrant.

Stardate: 49337.4
Air Date: 01/22/96
Director: Les Landau

Jack's Review
Yet another phenomenal episode! This one has everything you expect from a Trek episode too....ship battles, intrigue, and a nice plot twist at the end. Easily one of my favorites so far!


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Tom Paris breaks the transwarp threshold in the Shuttlecraft Cochrane, designed to reach warp 10, but there are some peculiar side effects.

Stardate: 49373.4
Air Date: 01/29/96
Director: Alexander Singer

Jack's Review
This is one of the few I remember watching when it originally aired. I enjoy this one quite a bit actually. The acting by Robert Duncan McNeill is super and Robert Picardo also shines. I only rate it 3.5 simply because the story seems to be missing a couple of key points. Why is Paris's DNA doing what it does and why did it evolve him into a giant salamander? Very strange....


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

In order to quell the temper of a Voyager crew member, Tuvok performs a mind-meld.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 02/05/96
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
I was so surprised and pleased to see Brad Dourif in this episode. He is always brilliant. Seeing him as a Betazoid is unsettling....But the real star of this story is Tim Russ. Tuvok is a badass! I was actually afraid of him myself. Absolutely awesome.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A highly advanced Cardassian AI missile that had been reprogrammed by B'Elanna Torres is found in the Delta Quadrant.

Stardate: 49447
Air Date: 02/12/96
Director: LeVar Burton

Jack's Review
I love it when Star Trek throws three killer episodes at me in one sitting (yes I watched three in a row)...this one was another very surprising story. Great acting and lots of good special effects really made it fun to watch.

Death Wish

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The crew encounter a member of the Q Continuum seeking to end his immortal life.

Features: The Q Entity
Stardate: 49301.2
Air Date: 02/19/96
Director: James L. Conway

Jack's Review
This is one of the best Star Trek episodes across all of the 5 series! Not only do we get to meet a new Q, but we also get to see the original John De Lancie Q in top form....and a brief visit to Voyager of my all-time favorite Trek character, Commander William T. Riker! This story has a great moral message and the tough choices Janeway has to make are amazing. I can't wait for more Q in the Voyager storyline.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The Doctor helps a Phage-ridden Vidiian woman.

Stardate: 49504.3
Air Date: 02/26/96
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
Have I said how much I love The Doctor? He is such a fantastic character and Robert Picardo plays him with so much emotion (for a hologram) it's a joy to watch. This episode is excellent and such an interesting premise that I couldn't help but be fascinated. The use of the 57 Chevy and the Classic do-wop Flamingos track was a very nice touch.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

The crew try to flush out the traitor on board who has been talking to the Kazon Nistrim.

Stardate: 49485.2
Air Date: 03/13/96
Director: Les Landau

Jack's Review
We watched this one as a family after dinner the other night. I am pretty sure I am creating a couple of Trekkies/Trekkers in my Fiancee and Son. Neelix really appeals to them and after watching this one - which is full of intrigue and action, my Son exclaimed, "can we watch another one?" Sadly it was bed time so we had to wait...


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A duplicate Voyager is created after it passes through a spatial scission.

Stardate: 49548.7
Air Date: 03/18/96
Director: David Livingston

Jack's Review
Once again we watched this as a family and all three of us were flipping out. This one is just incredible. It has a very epic feel to it, almost like a feature film. After watching this one, I think the Viidians are even more horrifying than the Borg...


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip

Tuvok crash-lands on a moon and finds children who have been abandoned.

Stardate: 49578.2
Air Date: 04/08/96
Director: James L. Conway

Jack's Review
Excellent acting by the crew - specifically Tim Russ - but overall the episode was very average.

The Thaw

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip

The crew find aliens mentally connected to a computer that has created a being that feeds on their fear.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 04/29/96
Director: Marvin V. Rush

Jack's Review
First of all, I love Michael McKean. From Lenny to the cop in Planes, Trains, and Automobiles....he is a hilarious comedian. In this episode he plays something darker and while the episode is very strange, it is shot very artistically and has a nice surprise at the end.


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

A transporter accident merges Tuvok and Neelix into a new person.

Stardate: 49655.2
Air Date: 05/06/96
Director: Cliff Bole

Jack's Review
I was expecting this to be a funny episode and while it did have a few laughs it was largely serious. Very well acted and directed. The ending was gut-wrenching...


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Janeway and Chakotay must be quarantined on a planet after they contract a disease.

Stardate: 49690.1
Air Date: 05/13/96
Director: Alexander Singer

Jack's Review
I really enjoyed this episode. The sexual tension between Janeway and Chakotay is unmistakeable here and overall I feel they way the episode concludes is very well done.

Basics (Part I)

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Seska and the Kazon-Nistrim take control of Voyager and maroon its crew on a primitive planet.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 05/20/96
Director: Winrich Kolbe

Jack's Review
Yet another episode that can be classified as "Epic". Nearly flawlessly executed.

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