Star Trek: Discovery (2017-Present)


Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

The U.S.S. Discovery welcomes aboard Capt. Pike and begins a mission to investigate the red signals.

Stardate: 1025.19
Air Date: 01/17/19
Director: Alex Kurtzman

Jack's Review
Welcome to the show, Anson Mount. The addition of such a charismatic actor as one of the most beloved and underused Enterprise Captains is a stroke of genius - and actually one of two things that holds this messy season together. Season two feels like the writers are getting their space-legs, but the serialized story is fairly weak, and the plot wears thin after a while. Fortunately the aforementioned charisma of Anson Mount as Pike and the prodigious skill of Doug Jones as Saru keep the season afloat. Ethan Peck plays a great Spock - but not until the final moments of the season and that is 100% not his fault. The writers just refuse to do their research and taking THE most iconic Trek character and playing him so opposite the character we know so well was a mistake. I am therefore quite happy to see that Ethan has the chops to play Spock in the same vein as Nimoy on the original series.

New Eden

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

A new signal brings the Discovery to a distant planet, Terralysium, that is inhabited by the descendants of human survivors of World War III, which was fought on Earth 200 years earlier.

Stardate: 1027.32
Air Date: 01/24/19
Director: Jonathan Frakes

Jack's Review
Hands down the best episode of Discovery - any season - and there is no argument possible against that statement. Why? Three reasons. First, the director is Jonathan Frakes, who knows how to tell a Star Trek story. Second, Anson Mount as Captain Pike is stellar - and this one is probably his finest. Last, and the real reason for this being such a terrific episode - it is classic Trek. We get a prime directive sensitive away mission and a "B story" on the ship. It works perfectly, and I wish the writers would keep this formula up. What is a "B story"? A sub-plot that carries along perfectly without overshadowing the main plot. Watch TNG and you will see LOADS of B story examples. Here we have the plot on the planet that involves the red angel. Meanwhile, on the ship we have the radiation problem that will kill all life on the planet. It works in perfect harmony and since I know that Anson Mount is a Trekkie of old like I am, I am pleased that he was the actor that gave us this gem. This episode is exactly why I am sure that Strange New Worlds will succeed.

Point of Light

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip

A surprise visitor brings shocking news about Spock and dredges up past regrets for Burnham.

Features: The Klingons
Air Date: 01/31/19
Director: Olatunde Osunsanmi

Jack's Review
I'll admit that following New Eden would make any episode a rough watch. The Klingons on the show have hair now at least (yes, I am one of the old farts that hates the new look) and Kurtzman's attempts to retcon the new look is feeble at best. I still think it has to do with the split of Paramount and CBS during season one's formation. If Paramount retained the rights to the look of a character then CBS couldn't use it. Now that they are all one big happy fleet again we can slowly start to show the Klingons we know and love again. Imagine how people would freak if Worf showed up looking like one of the Discovery space orcs?

An Obol For Charon

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip half-pip

A mysterious sphere threatens the U.S.S. Discovery; Pike receives new intel on Spock.

Air Date: 02/07/19
Director: Lee Rose

Jack's Review
Here again we have a classic Trek story. An unknown anomaly is wreaking havoc on the ship resulting in an amazingly good B story with Saru. It reminds me of the "Elogium" episode of Voyager. The nebula causes problems with the ship and Kes experiences Okampa puberty. That worked on Voyager and it works great here. We get loads more character depth and emotion. Just a well done episode resulting in a huge plot point for the rest of the season and Saru becoming a bit of a badass.

Saints of Imperfection

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip half-pip

The Discovery crew attempts to rescue Tilly from the mycelial network.

Air Date: 02/14/19
Director: David Barrett

Jack's Review
The high points here are the end of the mycelial network craziness, the return of Culber, emotional moments for Stamets, and even more character depth.

The Sound of Thunder

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip half-pip

Burnham, Saru and the crew embark on a perilous mission that puts Saru in danger.

Air Date: 02/21/19
Director: Douglas Aarniokoski

Jack's Review
Maybe the last truly great episode of the season. This one has a great epic feel to it.

Light and Shadows

Jack's Rating:

Burnham goes to Vulcan in search of Spock, where she unearths surprising family secrets.

Air Date: 02/28/19
Director: Marta Cunningham

Jack's Review
I am still not happy that they chose to make Michael related to Spock. And what they do with him is almost criminal. I know he is a younger less disciplined Spock, but the overall feel of the character this early in the season is painful for long time fans. I just wish they had left Section 31 out of the series too - but I know...the major villain would be missing.

If Memory Serves

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

Spock and Burnham head to Talos IV, where they are forced to confront their troubled past.

Air Date: 03/07/19
Director: TJ Scott

Jack's Review
Thank goodness for Anson Mount. The look on his face when Vina and the Talosians show up is worth the price of admission. Just a great throwback episode.

Project Daedalus

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip half-pip

Suspicions arise that the crew may have a traitor in their midst; Burnham tries to help Spock.

Air Date: 03/14/19
Director: Jonathan Frakes

Jack's Review
Just when I was really starting to warm up to Airiam....Sad. An actually well done episode.

The Red Angel

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip half-pip

Burnham is stunned when she learns her ties to Section 31 run deeper than she ever fathomed.

Air Date: 03/21/19
Director: Hanelle M. Culpepper

Jack's Review
This is where the plot of the red angel starts to feel thin. While not a terrible episode it has a forced feel to it. At least we finally get to see a Spock acting more like Spock. Ethan Peck really shows his capabilities here.

Perpetual Infinity

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip half-pip

Burnham receives the reunion she's been longing for, but it doesn't go quite as she imagined.

Air Date: 03/28/19
Director: Maja Vrvilo

Jack's Review
This episode is a bit of a paradox. The publicity stills for this episode were shots of everyone standing in place talking. The trailer makes it look like a rip-roaring action adventure. What we get is something in between that sets the serialized plot in motion for the upcoming finale.

Through the Valley of Shadows

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

A fourth signal leads the Discovery to a world where Pike is forced to make a life-changing choice.

Air Date: 04/04/19
Director: Douglas Aarniokoski

Jack's Review
Man, I hope they find a way to change Pike's destiny in Strange New Worlds. Maybe a meeting with a member of the Q continuum? I know, wishful thinking. The overall idea of these Klingon time crystals is silly beyond silly. I guess since Kirk and his crew haven't done the warp slingshot yet the writers had to come up with some macguffin object to move the story along. The real star is Anson Mount and the emotion he puts into the character and scenes.

Such Sweet Sorrow

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip half-pip

When Discovery's crucial mission does not go according to plan, Burnham realizes what must be done.

Air Date: 04/11/19
Director: Olatunde Osunsanmi

Jack's Review
Okay, I give the art department huge props here. They were able to update the Enterprise to make it fit the visual asthetic of the show while paying homage to the original set. The analog controls were a great touch but they should have explained them a bit better - Control couldn't take over a ship controlled by analog.

Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip half-pip

The crew of the USS Discovery explores new worlds and civilizations.

Air Date: 04/18/19
Director: Olatunde Osunsanmi

Jack's Review
A worthy space battle and intense plot for a finale. Pike is on point and Saru and the Discovery bridge crew are terrific. The final scene with Michael and Spock is a tad silly, but overall a worthy end to a decent season with several high points and classic episodes. I did spot a strange writing glitch. I mean, if the emergency blast door can withstand a photon torpedo blast why not make the whole ship out of that material? Why design an emergency door with only one lever? Why not beam the admiral out after she throws the lever? The TOS Enterprise had force fields....why the bulkhead? Just throw up a force field instead of the plot device blast door? Ah well...it was still a fun finale.

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