Star Trek: Short Treks (2018-Present)

The Trouble with Edward

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip half-pip Jack's Favorite

On the USS Cabot, science officer Edward Larkin tries to solve a planet's food shortage by adding human DNA to tribbles against his Captain's orders, creating a species that is born pregnant and reproduces at an exponential rate.

Stardate: Unknown
Air Date: 10/10/19
Director: Daniel Gray Longino

Jack's Review
While the episode is 100% canon-shattering nonsense, it is 100% pure comic gold. Hilarious and fun from start to finish. Why is it canon-shattering? Tribbles hadn't been discovered until sometime around stardate 4523. They were already a prolific species and as The Trouble With Tribbles illustrates, they require food to breed. What were they eating on board the Cabot? Oh well, it's still a very fun episode.

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