Star Trek: The Original Series (1966-1969)

All Our Yesterdays

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip pip Jack's Favorite

Spock and McCoy are trapped in a planet's distant past, where Spock finds love with an exiled woman.

Features: Time Travel
Stardate: 5943.7
Air Date: 03/14/69
Director: Marvin Chomsky

Jack's Review
Such a great penultimate episode. I would have thought, as well done as this one is, the studio would have kept the show going. I love the way the away team gets split up. Mr Atoz (yep, A to Z) is a terrific character and Mariette Hartley is amazing - although she will always be the short-lived wife of Dr. David Banner on The Incredible Hulk way back in 78. Heck, she even won an award for that role -and you can see how good she is in this early venture as well.

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