Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994)

Unnatural Selection

Jack's Rating:
pip pip pip pip

The Enterprise receives a distress call from the USS Lantree where the crew find all hands dead from, apparently, old age. The cause of the accelerated aging must be found before scientists on a research colony suffer the same fate.

Stardate: 42494.8
Air Date: 01/30/89
Director: Paul Lynch

Jack's Review
Here we have the second accelerated aging episode - unless you count "Too Short a Season"...but that has reverse aging, so. Anyway, this is a terrific Pulaski episode too. Lots of folks dislike her character, but her early abrasiveness and disdain for Data softens over the course of season two. She is exactly what the series needed at the time - a mild injection of Dr. McCoy's grouchy demeanor and moral compass.

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